Tuesday 22 December 2020

Install Wi-Fi Clocks To Show Uniform Time Throughout Your Hospital Map

Hospitals need clocks and plenty of them. if you are a hospital then you will know why they are needed. Hospital is a beehive of construction which has many rooms, wards, OT, emergency rooms, recuperation rooms, pharmacy, reception, morgue etc. and all these spaces need clocks so things are done as per schedule and with accuracy. Several types of clocks are used in hospitals and they would include clocks in the OT, corridor, reception, patient wards and rooms, outdoor and roof top or building top clocks. The corridor clocks will be two faced and the juncture clocks will be 4 faced or canister clocks so they cover all directions. Hospital clocks with digital technology are accurate, silent, self reliant and can be maintenance free for long years.

Hospital clocks

The Wi-Fi clocks that run without cables will be ideal for a hospital setting or a IP based Power over Ethernet Clocks. These clocks are able to run on their own without any help from human. They take time from time networks such as hospital computer network or GPS and the outdoor clocks will use solar technology for power input.  The biggest headache in a place like hospital is synchronizing every time piece within the premises and making them show same time wherever they are placed. This is easy said than done and human error will always creep in and delay or advance the time. But with the network clocks accuracy of time and updating is never a problem as they are automatically updated every few seconds to show accurate time after saving day light time according to your time zone.

large outdoor clocks

Clocks are ornamental for buildings and enable them to gain in status and stature in the process enhances the name of the owners. Installing large outdoor clocks on your buildings is one big way of gaining publicity for your name, brand, product and goals. Big outdoor clocks can occupy the face of a whole building and become unique landmark that everyone will come to know and recognize. This will be a great publicity tact that you would not like to miss, so call Admoveo Solutions, LLC on phone number (800) 964-5749 or by email info@admoveosolutions.com to custom make one and install it.



Monday 19 October 2020

Accurate School Clock Systems To Increase Efficiency In Classrooms

Study may be affected if you do not have a proper clock system in your K-12 school. Clocks are required at every nook and corner of the school buildings and they need be precise in showing time. Anything less than accurate may result in time loss and study loss that a school cannot afford. If you are a school that needs updated clock system you have options like IP based clocks, or a master clock system run by a software. These are accurate clocks that take their time from time satellites and keep entire clock system updated without human assistance. The modern school clock systems consist of IP Ethernet clocks, Wi-Fi clocks and wired clock systems and you can install a system from these depending on the type of need your school have. Best thing about the systems is that they run autonomously and you don’t need to synchronize for accurate time. They will also combine with your school bell system and ring them in time and according to a timetable that you can feed in to the system.

school clock systems

Similarly a factory needs buzzer system to announce breaks. A factory unit with several shifts may require regulating and control break timings by installing one of the factory break buzzer systems. The latest systems can work wirelessly as they are IP based and they can be controlled from a remote controller like your smartphone. The system can play any kind of music that you choose from the options or chime, siren or bell and customize the sounds according to the break time table. Inaccurate break announcements may result in to time loss and affect production, but with the automated buzzer systems this is completely prevented. The management could lay back and relax as far as break announcements are concerned because the system will announce breaks as per the schedule. this will allow you to focus on other important work in your factory unit.

For automated break buzzer system and school clocks you can rely on the expertise of Admoveo Solutions, LLC, who is a pioneer in time technology products and services in the USA. Use phone number (800) 964-5749 to get in touch with our sales person.



Monday 28 September 2020

Install Smart School Message Board Signs To Meet Emergencies

What happens when a school meets with a natural or manmade calamity such as fire or blizzard? What action the school administration will take to save students from these dangers? If you are a school that has put up no safety measures it is time that you think on that line because incidents take place rather with alarming frequency in the US besides naturally calamities striking with regularity. The school message board signs aided by digital technology are the answer as they will help school managements to evacuate children rather quickly and navigate them to place of safety during such incidences.

Message board signs to show way to safety

When an incident like a fire breakout or a gas leakage from nearby manufacturing plan take place the management has to take evasive action immediately or school children will be in danger. A school being what it is, is a huge group of buildings that are intricately placed and communicating with all the buildings using conventional methods could prove futile. With the message sign boards placed in every corridors, classroom and other rooms it becomes easy for the management to break the news of emergency and guide students out of danger. The digital message boards will show direction to the nearest exist that is safe from the calamity and calmly navigate children out of danger. If you use the traditional method of announcing it over PA system it could contribute to confusion and the exercise will prove to be useless. The digital message boards with pre-programmed signals will show the appropriate direction and guide children out of danger all the way, so make sure that the system is put in place at once.

Break buzzer system to keep workforce in check

A factory break buzzer system works in the similar theory but for different purposes. The system is essentially meant for announcing breaks between shifts but it can also double up as an emergency alarm by sending siren or alarm signals to workers so they get out of their work place in time to avoid injury. The buzzer system otherwise is a highly useful administrative tool which will keep workers in check and induce discipline of the highest order by their consistent and accurate break announcements.  For latest technology break buzzer systems and digital message boards for schools call in the expertise of Admoveo Solutions, LLC, on phone number (800) 964-5749 as we are number one time Management Company in USA.


Monday 24 August 2020

Install School Message Board Signs To Bolster Safety Measures

School needs direction and message boards show them. Whether it is an instruction issued to whole school in general or a particular message aimed at a particular classroom the message board can convey them without reservation. Besides message boards there are the message signs that actually show direction to every member of the school when emergency breaks out. Latest technology School message board signs derived from digital technology is able to alert attendees of the impending danger and also provide exit solutions by pointing towards the right direction that is the right exit or doorway. 

School message board signs

This is vital for a school institution because it concerns children’s safety and the school’s responsibility towards their parents. The latest message sign boards can easily collaborate with IP technology and can flash both regular and emergency messages throughout the school. This is big help especially when there are incidents like fire breakout or a gas leakage nearby.

By installing the message boards in your school you not only increase safety of students but also sharpen school communication using the latest technology, which obviously will put your school among the progressive. This will also help develop and enhance good will with parents and make your school better equipped one during emergencies. Your school is certain to increase its attendance in the forthcoming year as parents will trust you more than others that don’t have such sophisticated safety measures.
factory break buzzer

Another time management tool that comes in to force with manufacturing units is the factory break buzzer system. It is a versatile system that will announce breaks by playing chimes, music, tone or tune according to a time table. Beauty of the system is that it will announce those breaks automatically as it is aided by computer software and can store break timings for weeks or months. 

The system is highly accurate in announcing breaks as it is aided by GPS timings. Installing the system at your facility will increase efficiency, induce discipline, save time and increase productivity. For installing message board signs for schools and break buzzer systems for factory units call Admoveo Solutions on phone number (800) 964-5749 and we will provide you with a quote after assessing your requirements. 

Contact us:
7 Suite 102 Allison Park PA 15101
Phone: (800)964-5749

Friday 24 July 2020

Go To Golf Course Clocks For Sale If You Are Buying In Bulk

A golf course as big as it is will need many clocks to tell time to the users. Both players and administration need clocks equally so the game of play get on in time and no unnecessary delays happen. There are several types of golf course clocks required in a course and they would include pace-of-play clock, clubhouse clocks, and sidewalk clocks. Buying them in large numbers would be a costly affair if you are going to replace all of them. The best place to meet the requirement and come out unscathed is the golf course clocks for sale where you are likely to get prices that suit your pocket.

golf course clocks for sale

Maintenance free lone standing clocks that are self reliant

There are online suppliers of golf course clocks that will offer you a variety of these clocks at affordable prices. You can even customize those clocks to match the theme of your golf course and inscribe your insignia or name to publicize the course presence. The supplier will ensure that you only get those clocks that are used worldwide in golf courses and have big lifespan. Another feature of these clocks will be the self sufficiency for time. The clocks will update time automatically as they are synched with time satellites via GPS. They are also maintenance free as they come in waterproof aluminum casing and need no up keep whatsoever. The golf course clocks are mostly outdoors hence will need power input from outside, but the latest golf course clocks are fitted with solar batteries that generate energy from sunlight. Overall the golf course clocks you buy from sale not only fit your budget but also provide you with time tested timepieces that will work accurately and self dependently.

If you are a warehouse you will need warehouse break bell system that will control break timings by accurately announcing them. The system will not allow workers to waste time and will save precious productivity time. All these will be done automatically and without your help so buy them and install them at your facility to gain certain productive edge. For high quality and world class golf clocks and break bell systems for warehouse dial phone number (800) 964-5749, and we Admoveo Solutions will give you a quote that will be surprisingly lower than other suppliers.     

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Need Wholesale Clocks For Your Green Buy Them At Golf Course Clocks For Sale?

If you own the greens you will need clocks to manage it.  Golf ground as vast as it is will need more than few clocks and you may need them in dozens, so it covers every hole. Depending on how many holes there in your course you can buy wholesale at golf course clocks for sale and it will prove cheaper to you. As a golf course you will need different types of clocks that are autonomous and accurate so no human involvement is required and at the same time give top performance.

You can buy golf course clocks for the greens namely pace of play clocks, post clocks and clubhouse clocks. They may start with the size of 24-inch dia and go upward depending on where they are installed. The most important of the golf course clock is the pace-of-play clock which is required essentially to increase the speed of play. The clocks also need to be accurate and self sustained for power because it may be difficult for you to provide electric cables to inaccessible places. Golf clock manufacturers have come with solar clocks which power themselves using solar energy via sunlight. The clocks fitted with solar batteries are able to operate autonomously for power and at the same time provide accurate time using the GPS facility provided in the mechanism.   

Control warehouse breaks with automated buzzer system

A warehouse break bell system serves important purpose that is keeping time for the management. It is typical for workers of a warehouse to take more time to finish their lunch than stipulated and also take the break before time. Warehouse is a huge establishment where people will be at work in various corners and it is difficult to keep track of all of them. But with the bell system in place order will be restored and discipline enforced as people will only break work for lunch or coffee when the break bell system alert or buzz them. this is an automated system which need no human assistance to announce lunch or coffee breaks For custom made golf clocks of all types and all sizes and break buzzer systems for warehouses call Admoveo Solutions, LLC now on phone number (800) 964-5749. Our expert team will be at your establishment to take stock of the requirement and accordingly produce a quote which will be to your complete satisfaction.


Tuesday 21 April 2020

Why Ethernet Speaker System For Your School Institutions?

Speaker system is essential apparatus for running school administration as it is required to convey messages to classrooms. If you are a school that has no such system it is time that you take the technology in to your campus and preferably Ethernet speaker system, which will save you costs on extra cable. If you have a Ethernet network at your school you can easily connect the speaker system with it and run speakers without the need of separate power cable. Since the Ethernet cable is already running a computer network the speakers do not need a separate bandwidth or internet connection to convey audio signals. This is a great cost saving opportunity for schools while procuring a state-of-art communication system which could make both general and personalized announcements.

Automated break bell system for Warehouse

Like you have clocks and bells in school, you will also need bells and clocks in warehouse. Warehouses are rambling structures with hundreds of sub-structures where people are active loading and unloading commodities. Here you need to have an effective announcement system which will broadcast breaks or buzz intervals where workforce will take few minutes of rest or break. This time is given by the management as a mandatory break where workers or employees will recuperate and comeback with renewed energy. But it also happens like, that workers tend to spend more time than stipulated and thus waste employers time and money besides loss of productivity. 

The latest warehouse break bell system that will announce breaks via chime, music, tune or bell automatically with the help of a software is the most appropriate  because it is accurate and precise to the last nano seconds. The system does not allow errors or delay and will buzz breaks with uncanny accuracy and also close the break to the dot so the warehouse does not lose man hour. The system is capable of storing break schedules for months together and announces them as and when they come and without any time delay. The system also obtains accurate time from time networks and is equipped with GPS. If you are a warehouse and want accurate and automated break bell system call Admoveo Solutions on phone number (800) 964-5749.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Pole Clocks Are The Most Appropriate For The Vast Span Of A Golf Course

Golf courses need clocks at various points in order to run the course and the play in the most efficient way. Clocks are required to time out play, for official observation, spectators and members. so you could install clocks at several areas of a golf course but you have to choose the clocks judiciously because the geographical area of a golf course is vastly different from any other establishment. Golf course pole clock is the most appropriate clock for the length and breadth of the course because it is lone standing and need no additional support such as a building, platform, arch or pedestal.

Golf course pole clock

Pole clock covers long distances

Why we recommend pole clock is that it can be installed without much fuss and anywhere you like on the ground. Golf green is vast and any clock you install there should be visible to a long distance and only pole clocks with their height can meet this demand admirably. The lone standing clocks can be two face or four faced configuration depending on the geographical area you want to cover. Solar clocks are best suited for golf course because they are self sustained for power. With normal clocks this may not be possible as they will need a power source to operate and the owners shall have to install long cables to fire them up. If you have solar clocks which could also synchronize with satellites to be up to date with latest and accurate update of time. 

Install Ethernet or Wi-Fi clocks for hospitals

Hospital clocks are bit different than golf course clocks because most of the clocks will be stationed indoors. You may see a stray pole clock here and there but it is predominantly indoors and they could be either Ethernet based clocks or wi-fi clocks. Since the clocks have to show uniform time either of these two will serve the purpose well. in both you can expect the clocks to show uniform time because they are supplied with the latest time derived from Time Networks.  For top quality lone standing pole clocks and hospital indoor clocks call our expertise on phone number (800) 964-5749 as we are Admoveo Solutions are forerunners in time technology management USA.

Monday 10 February 2020

Install Façade Clocks To Increase Aesthetics Of Business Establishments

What is a façade clock?

It is a clock which smoothly integrates into the face of a building wall and become a part of the construction while showing accurate time in a big canvas. Your façade or front portion is likely to increase in visual appeal while becoming an important landmark of the street, city and district. 

facade clocks

How a façade clock will help your business? 

Any business that wants to survive will need publicity in a mass scale. There are several publicity mediums that could boost business and façade clocks are among of them. Manufacturers can fabricate clocks according to a corporate theme which will hugely reflect the products or services you sell to the public. A façade clock with its sheer size could attract maximum attention from passerby and people will remember the picture clearly whenever they go to shop to buy your niche product or service. A façade looking at the street is a great source of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and it is obvious that your clock will grab eyeballs and compel them to look at for a second time. A logo or name inscribed over the clock will clearly display your company’s name thus registering it in people’s mind.

pedestal clock
pedestal clock

Similarly a pedestal clock installed on the road side with your emblem or logo will again find the eyeballs of the passerby. It will obviously bring publicity and your organization will benefit from this. Pedestal clocks have the knack to attract people with their composition and beauty while they can standalone without support and display time accurately. These clocks are ideal for installing in a number of establishments including parks, public offices and places, city streets, office front, roadside café, restaurant, golf course, and several other outdoor areas. Interestingly these clocks are able to display accurate time with the help of time satellites thus reducing your effort in maintain them manually. For classic looking pedestal clocks with latest time technology call Admoveo Solutions, LLC on phone number (800) 964-5749 and we will produce the best pedestal clocks that are custom made and façade clocks that we can integrate on to your wall face.

Monday 6 January 2020

Large Façade Clocks Can Ensure Commercial Success Of Your Enterprise

Installing a clock on your building front will bring you several benefits. This is especially true in the case of corporate offices, and commercial establishments.  Your commercial success is guaranteed if you have an eye catching building clock looming large and making its presence felt by one and all. Façade clocks are specially designed for the purpose of attracting attention to the owners and the phenomenon could be cashed by you quite easily by installing one. A façade clock of huge size can be made part of your building front fascia and project your business theme quite effectively.

Façade clocks Admoveosolutions

The façade clock could also enhance the visibility of your city on the state or country map by its exemplary presence. You can install a façade clock in your town hall or community center and announce its presence to the town folks and beyond. It is a good way of getting publicity for your town and you are sure to figure in the Google map as the search engine lists important landmarks in its map service. Large clocks on the front fascia of any building are likely to grab the eyeballs of the passerby and can generate publicity by installing one at your property. Depending on your choice you can choose from an electric or solar powered model.

Rolex Golf Tower

Golf grounds represent magnificent manmade landscape and the best way you can advertise its presence is by installing a Rolex Golf Tower. The Rolex patent is the most admired clock model in the world and by installing a clock tower with a Rolex model clock you are sure to magnify the presence of your greens to the neighborhood and outside. The clock tower will majestically stand over your golf green and establish an important landmark for the city and in return bring more publicity to your golf course. Solar powered clocks are the most recommended for the purpose and to install the clock for your golf course call the expertise of Admoveo Solutions, LLC, on phone number (800) 964-574. We are leaders in time technology in the USA and we can custom make your clock to integrate your establishments theme effectively.